Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Habib Family Rmeich

A while back I was doing some research into the Zarka family. I've compiled quite a family tree for them without ever being able to link all the families. While doing this research I came across two Zarka women who married into Habib family in Rmeich which is in the Bint Jbail area in South Lebanon. I wasn't really able to gain any information on them so they just went on the bottom of my list as unknowns needing further research.

Then last week I happen to be reading some history about villages in South Lebanon when I got to Rmeich. On their Facebook page they have the history of the village which was quite interesting. But what was most interesting of all was they listed where all the families in the village were originally from. Most families were from the Kesarwan region but low and behold the Habib family was listed from Derdghaya originally.....so now the question is what was the original family name as there is no Habib family from Derdghaya. I'm hedging my bet that they are originally Zarka.

I've contacted the admin from the Facebook page who was quite helpful and will speak to some people and find out for me.

24/12/11 As I found out recently the Habib family are originally Rizk family not Zarka

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