Monday, October 17, 2011

The Genealogy Gods...

When I'm researching there are some things that can really bug me, for instance I might come across a name that I know I need but cant place the name any where and no one can help with it no matter how much I ask or look. My dads no help because he's the cause of it some times, he has a habit of just throwing names up at me with out being able to tell me who they are or what to do them with me.

Normally I would dwell on them for days and weeks but lately I've found that as soon as a name is thrown at me within a couple of days I have found an answer. For instance I while ago I was talking to my dad about how pretty some of the old Lebanese names were...I say were because they don't get used anymore. He just starts rattling of names of people Farha, Diahabiye, Almaza, Wardie, Habka and Barbara, these are all woman that are my grandfathers first cousins.....I think great more names to fill gaps as tracing the female line is always very hard. I placed all of them except Barbara and Habka. This is around 12 months ago and I made no head way at all. Then a couple of days ago Barbara and Habka's name come up in conversation again and same thing dad cant remember who their father is and says I might have to talk to my Uncle Youssef as he's the oldest family member and would know....great another brick wall.

Then last night the genealogy gods opened their hearts to me and by sheer accident I found Barbara Khoury's name amongst the's many files in a Passport Application from 1923 and low and behold there's her fathers name Shebly John Khoury. I tell my dad and he agrees saying he remembers a family in the village called Bayt Bu Shibly.

Over the last few months this has been happening regularly where I need information or find some ones name and have no clue what to do with them, then all of a sudden its like I'm steered to the answer and for that I thank my ancestors who seem to be watching over me and hand feeding me the information I need.

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