Monday, October 17, 2011

The fountain of information.....

My dad has been back in Australia for the last couple of weeks and has been a fountain of information for me. Though I talk regularly on the phone to him its not the same as having him here telling me the stories or telling how so and so is related to us.

What I have found is that if I ask him straight up who this person is most of the time he wont know or cant remember. So I've come up with a cunning plan in that I just get him talking about Derdghaya or a family member and then just throw in the odd question or two and he generally just answers them with out realising. Some times a query gets answered that I wasn't asking for in a story he maybe telling or as happened the other day he tipped some of my research upside down because I realised 2 people I had as brothers were actually father and son or he starts firing of names I hadn't even come its been a bit of a journey.

Some of the stories he has told me have changed some of the things I had believed and opened up new paths for me to head down which is a good thing because some of my research was headed towards dead ends especially when it came to the Khoury's. He always said to me the Khoury's were the most travelled from Derdghaya but I have never really been able to open those door quite fully but have now gained a bit of an insight which way to go.

So onwards and upwards we push in this never ending family tree...

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