Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Bridge Building

In Derdghaya they predominantly worked the land as farmers. But as the village grew they became well known for their work as blacksmiths and stonemasons. At any one time there could be found six blacksmiths shops and several stonemasons’ quarries.

Sometime in the 19th century a bridge needed to be built over the Litani River near the village of Qaaqaait el Jisr. The Litani River was the border between the provinces of Saida and Akka. The Governors of both provinces wouldn’t give in to each other so they both sent stonemasons to build the bridge. Each set of stonemasons would work from their side of the province and meet in the middle. As Derdghaya was in the Akka province their stonemasons were requested to do the work on Akka’s part of the bridge.
Both groups of stonemasons started their work but only the men of Derdghaya could get a start on the bridge, every time the men from Saida would lay their stones in the river they would be swept away by the strong current. But so skilled were the Derdghayans they were able to finish their side of the bridge within a week and not a spot of mortar being used because of the precise cutting of the stones in male and female ends. 

The Governor of Saida demanded the Derdghayan men finish the bridge but they refused as the Governor of Saida wouldn’t pay them. They demanded to be paid the same as they had received from the Governor of Akka, one gold piece. The Governor of Saida complained to the Governor of Akka but was met with a response that they have to be paid the same. Eventually the Governor of Saida relented and paid the men and the bridge was finally built. To this day the bridge still stands over the Litani River…..

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